boston small02 Logo 6th cardiac CT meeting 160x11002

coronary normal 64 small myxoma ct 16 small coronary tree 64 small

       6th International Conference on Cardiac CT

[Welcome] [Venue] [Abstract Subm.] [Program] [Registration] [Contact Us]

Meeting Registration

Meeting registration will be through Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Medical Education.

Contact information will follow shortly.


Room Reservations

For conference participants, a block of rooms has been reserved at special rates of  US$ 164.00 (single or double occupancy). Reservations must be made directly with the hotel by June 30th, 2005.
Please make reservations directly with the hotel by calling +1-402-593-5456
or from within the US 1-800-233-1234.

Callers will need to reference the 6th International Conference on Cardiac CT in order to receive the reduced room rate. Reservations cannot be made on the internet.

Please make sure to mention "Cardiac CT Conference" to receive discounted room rates.


Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School

Harvard LOGO 114 x 6002