We are pleased to invite you to the 6th International Conference on Cardiac CT, to be held in Boston, MA, USA, on July 22-23, 2005, with an introductory preprogram on the evening of July 21st. This international meeting will offer a comprehensive review of the methodological issues and clinical aspects of CT imaging in cardiac diseases. The program spans a wide range of topics from introductory lectures and detailed discussion of scan protocols, to review lectures by outstanding experts in the field, numerous case demonstrations and presentations of latest research results.
Abstract submission is open from February 1st to March 31st 2005.
As in the past years, the conference will provide up-to-date and complete information for novice and advanced clinical users of cardiac CT, as well as researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the field.
In addition, the conference and an evening function on Friday night will serve as a forum for lively interaction between attendees from all parts of the world.
Tom Brady, MD Stephan Achenbach, MD Suhny Abbara, MD W illi Kalender, PhD Udo Hoffmann, MD